Crafting a Bold Brand Identity: Grubhub
This case study takes you on a captivating journey through the art of crafting a compelling visual identity for Grubhub, a brand that, in 2010, sought to revolutionize online food delivery. Facing the challenge of establishing itself as the pioneer in this emerging market, Grubhub needed a brand strategy that seamlessly bridged the gap between traditional dining and the digital age.
Brand Strategy
Brand Tenets
At the core of our strategy were brand tenets rooted in customer-centric values. We placed a strong emphasis on delight, authenticity, and transparency, positioning Grubhub as the ultimate destination for online food ordering. These principles would guide every aspect of our visual identity.
Logo Design
The logo, designed as a distinctive wordmark, reinforced our brand name. Typography played a pivotal role; it had to feel fun and approachable while maintaining clarity. We painstakingly refined it until it struck the perfect balance between playfulness and professionalism. Despite it's hierarchy in the branding pyramid, it was the very last thing we finished, even after the ads were done.
effective Ads with Personality
National Ad Campaign
To create a lasting impact, Grubhub embarked on an extensive ad testing journey. Our aim was to craft emotionally engaging advertisements that fostered a deep connection with users. These ads not only reinforced our brand concept but also contributed to maintaining a delightful and trustworthy image.
Unique and Distinct Typography
Hand-Crafted Typography
Once the logo and the handcrafted aesthetic were locked in, we went a step further by crafting a custom font. This bespoke typeface featured handcrafted letters inspired by Gotham Condensed, ensuring that every piece of text resonated with the brand's unique personality.
Adding EMotion To Design Elements
Surprise & Delight
At the heart of our visual identity was the notion of surprise and delight. Every piece of imagery we used was carefully curated to evoke a sense of joy and satisfaction. It wasn't just about food; it was about the entire experience of ordering and enjoying a meal through Grubhub.
Landing Page Design • Content strategy
The homepage, a digital gateway to the Grubhub experience, echoed the same handcrafted aesthetic. It was designed to seamlessly blend with the brand while exuding professionalism and trust. Balancing these elements was a creative challenge that we embraced wholeheartedly.
Creative Direction • Branding
This journey was more than just the creation of a visual identity; it was the birth of a brand that resonated deeply with its audience. Grubhub successfully navigated the uncharted waters of online food delivery, becoming a household name known for its delightful, authentic, and transparent approach. This case study encapsulates the essence of crafting a bold brand identity that stands the test of time.