Storytelling In Product Design
Even seemingly small features benefit from thoughtful execution. Adding elements of storytelling helps communicate why a person would want to use a feature, and what they get out of it.
What Does It Need To Do
The feature needs to allow a user to request meeting details if none are provided.
Default State
If there are no discussion topics, the default design for the feature addresses
Hover State
Provide additional information and context as the user enfgages with the feature. Address deeper concerns and use the opportunity to layer in personality without sacrificing usability.
Contnue following the users's mental model and let them know where they are in the process.
Meeting Owner
The meeting owner is notified of a request for details. Behavioral psychology and specific framing are utilized to encourage usage.
Closing the Loop
Once the meeting owner adds a discussion topic, invitees who requested topics are notified that topics have been added via a live notification.
Once the meeting owner adds a discussion topic, invitees who requested topics are notified that topics have been added via a live notification.